Fortune, 1899
Elihu Vedder (American, 1836-1923)
Oil on canvas
Gift of Mrs. Hattie Bishop Speed 1929.29.1


Conservation of this artwork was made possible by a generous contribution from Porter Watkins through the Adopt-an-Artwork program [2021]

The extraordinarily large size of this painting is currently working against it. The existing auxiliary supports are failing and somewhat slack. Worse, there is a moderate to heavy grime layer on the surface, along with scattered mechanical cracks. This means that cracks have started to appear on the paint surface where, in the distant past, the painting has accidentally been struck or bumped. If left alone, cracks in the paint will appear at the point of contact.

Treatment will first require the removal of all surface grime. After that, canvas tension can be appropriately adjusted. Stabilization of this canvas is of utmost importance to ensure that it can be safely installed and displayed for years to come. The resulting appearance will be a moderate to major transformation.